Grazie & Gratitude: Louise Fili


Louise Fili is an iconic legend in the world of type, design and all things Italianissimo.  We've worked with her since almost the beginning of Bella Cucina's birth.  Her refined taste and classic style has been a big influence on Bella's branding and beauty. 

Louise is known as a goddess of type in design circles and she's celebrated all over the world.   She's created identities for most of the best restaurants in New York City, that alone should be her claim to fame, but her beauty and brilliance goes just beyond design for others. She and her talented husband, Stephan Heller, could open a library 
with all of the books they've penned and published between the two of them.  
Check out Louise Fili's site HERE

1. Italianissimo: The Quintessential Guide to What Italians Do Best {Image via Louise Fili}

Buon appetito! © 2012 Bella Cucina

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