3 Simple Tips to make Holiday Entertaining Easy

It's not a typo.  Contrary to your past experience, "easy" and "entertaining" really can be in the same sentence.   That is, if you plan + prepare well enough in advance.

When family is huddled around the kitchen island or guests are looking for something to drink, you want everything at your fingertips and nothing left undone. The last thing you need to be is frazzled and fumbling for the first course, or contemplating dodging out the back door with a drumstick in your hand.

 Stick with tried + true.  
This isn't the time to be experimenting with a new recipe idea. We love that idea, but the holidays may not be the best time to try Julia Child's recipe for homard a la Americaine. Keep it simple and something that everyone will love. Comfort + convenience is the name of the game this time of the year.

Plan + Prep.     
 Plan the menu well in advance.   Shop a few days ahead.  Chop, mix and have ready to bake as much as you can so all you have to do is pop it in the oven or simmer on the stovetop.  

Presentation is all about preparation.   
Have platters at the ready for each dish you plan to serve.  Cleaned, stacked and post-it labeled with the specific dish.  Keep a back-up or two on hand for overflow and, heaven help us, accidental spillage or breakage. 

Easy peasy, every so breezy.  Who knew holiday entertaining could actually be fun?!

Buon appetito! copyright 2010 Alisa Barry


Anonymous said...

Great post! I’m looking to make some changes in my own eating habits, so I appreciate your insight a lot! Thank you. I recently stumbled upon this blog like I did yours and I thought your readers may appreciate it: http://burisonthecouch.wordpress.com/2010/11/04/food-for-thought/

I’ve started to look for their stuff more regularly and I think I’m going to add your blog to my list as well. Thanks for the post!


Alisa Barry said...

So glad you all liked this post. Thanks for taking time to comment!

Amelia PS said...

grazie for the reminder to stay simple, as the holidays approach!