So many people ask me if I am Italian. An obvious question for someone who names their company Bella Cucina and passionately purports her love of all things Italian. "Nel mio cuoro", I proclaim. In my heart. Pretending as if I could carry on a conversation in the poetic prose that is the Italian way. {Wildly gesturing hands mandatory!}
Years ago, when time and money seemed much more abundant, I had my weekly Italian lessons with Professoressa Paola. It was like an hour of coffee talk with a good friend. I miss her. I miss our conversations. I miss learning new words, and phrases, and snappy little idiomatic expressions. I don't miss the grammar lessons.
When I travel to Italy and begin to settle in after a few weeks, I find myself automatically answering questions in Italian, even if someone speaks to me in English. I'd be hard-pressed to carry on an intelligent exchange of any sort, mind you, and it certainly is a good excuse to keep the subject matter light. It's a good thing Italians can riff for hours about a plate of pasta. Food is one subject I can wax poetic in almost any language. {Wildly gesturing hands mandatory!}
I missed my spring trip this year.....but there is always fall. September is one of my favorite months in Italy. White truffles, olive harvest, wine making, good weather. I am putting away my pennies and dreaming of arriving in Rome.
Until then, I am settling for the next best thing- living life at home as if I were in the Italian countryside. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she? I mean, the Roma tomatoes and fresh basil are growing in the garden. If only that, it is enough to be grateful for.
If you can't make it to Italy this year or dream of one day arriving in the Italian Countryside, you may want to check out my book, La Bella Vita: inspiration and recipes . It's part travel log, personal memoir, poetry and prose. And, of course, delicious recipes extolling my love of Italian food. No, not a sales pitch. Really. Just wanting to share what I love. And, I would love it if you would buy my book! Hey, can't a girl dream a little bit more.....
Buon appetito!
copyright 2009 Alisa Barry
Alisa: I have always loved your book. It is nestled right in with all my favorite Italian cookbooks, right in my kitchen. One day I'm going to cook one of the recipes for my blog and post about it. It is really an outstanding, beautiful cookbook and I've given it as a gift to people. I miss Italy, too :-(
The love is mutual! Thanks for sharing the beautiful life with others in your beautiful blog. An Italian Dish cookbook in the works....? Aspettiamo.
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