I love meat. Grilled lamb chops with mint yogurt pesto sauce, citrus fennel roasted chicken, my sunday apple wood smoked bacon. And, I could be a vegetarian. What gives?
The beauty is that I like both meat and vegetables. My body often tells me what I need. Some days, i crave the flavor of something charred and meaty, and other days, I crave only the earthy clean of roasted vegetables from the garden {not usually mine, however}. Gastronomic prejudices have no place at the table.
I am a fan of Julia Childs- her mantra: everything in moderation. Even foods that may not be the temple of health and goodness call me to the kitchen every now and then. But, they are occassional, and minimal. When they aren't, I know I am off balance and out of sync. Red flags that signal time out, regroup, time to hunt and gather.
Food is what I crave. Real food. Good food. Sometimes I make it myself and other times I let others enjoy their time in the kitchen. A reprieve to just enjoy showing up. Or next door. My neighborhood restaurant loves us. best customers. biggest fans. loyal lovers of good food. and the best margaritas in town. {may have something to do with it}.
and why the diatribe? no reason.....just writing what comes to mind and where my heart lives tonight. tomorrow. next tuesday.
I reserve the right to change my mind- and the menu.
but tonight' special is whatever I have a hankering for.
life is way to short. eat what you love. enjoy it and be good to yourself.
Buon appetito!
copyright 2009 Alisa Barry
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