It is almost time.....the zucchini is being birthed from seeds in the soil and nurtured by the sun. Its smooth, green, lean body slithers on the earth's floor as its blossom unfolds like a delicate soft mane of hair. Zucchini blossoms burst quickly and must be eaten immediately once picked. My favorite way to eat them is to stuff them with a sheep's milk ricotta and fresh herb mixture, dip them gently in beaten egg and seasoned flour and fry them in extra virgin olive oil. They are finished off with quick sprinkling of coarse sea salt. They taste better, even, if layout out on butcher paper to catch the excess oil and keep crisp on the outside and deliciously soft and melting on the inside. A cool, crisp glass of pinot grigio is all that is needed for this decandent seasonal snack.
My other favorite way to eat them is in risotto. Cut into half-inch chiffonade strips, I toss them into the risotto just as it has finished cooking and before the pat of butter and handful of grated Parmesan cheese has been stirred in. Their vibrant color and earthy taste adds a delicate dimension to this classic dish.
The blossoms dont last long, both once you buy them and for how long you can buy them. A few weeks at best. So, get them at the market while they are in season.
Buon appetito!
copyright Alisa Barry 2007